What does a writer do when she's too depressed to write? For me, the answer is practically nothing. I haven't written in a journal. I haven't bathed more than once a month. I haven't cleaned more than once in the last three months. All of my dishes are Dirty and, except for that one cleaning spell, I only wash what I need for a particular meal.
I could go on, but I think I'm already going into the "feeling sorry for myself" stage and that doesn't do either one of us any good.
Now, there were some good days. There were even three days in a row that I was in a good mood. These days were due to a friend who let me help her take care of her horses on the first day. I cleaned most of the next day and did a bit more on the third day! But, depression definitely ruled my emotions more often than not.
Some of you may want to know what has caused this "gloomy" three months, but I only know part of the answer:
- I know part of it was physical ailments because I had several bouts of toothaches that finally ended when I had two teeth pulled on May 1st. I had Sinusitis, Bronchitis and, most recently an ear infection.
- Part of my problem is financial. My husband and I owe a lot more than we earn.
- I am out of one of my anti-depression medicines and the doctor I was using is no longer covered by my insurance. I thought I'd be all right because it was spring time. Now, I think I need to find another doctor to prescribe it.
All right, I guess that's enough about my problems. It did help to write this out, at least a little bit.
Does anyone have suggestions for what I can do about my current state? Do you know where I can find more help? Please e-mail me at t.j.pinkston.2007@gmail.com if you want to share anything.
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